Growing plants in conditions where they have little or no sunlight entails the need to somehow compensate for the lack or complete absence of light. This problem was encountered a long time ago when growing various plants in greenhouses. To compensate for the insufficient duration of daylight hours and weak sunlight, electric lighting began to be used - from incandescent lamps to halogen gas-discharge lamps. All of these light sources, to one degree or another, made it possible to grow plants in greenhouses, but at the same time quite a lot of energy was spent on lighting. With the advent of hydroponics, the situation became even more complicated - hydroponic farms do not have natural light at all, but at the same time they need a strong light source for the intensive growth of vegetables, fruits, herbs, herbs and other plants.
The advent of LEDs, or more precisely, LEDs of sufficiently high power with a high efficiency, has radically changed the situation. The fact is that almost all light sources used before emitted light in the entire range of wavelengths, consuming electricity, and it was possible to save on lighting plants only by using more economical lamps. But for normal growth, development of flowering and fruiting, plants do not need the entire spectrum of sunlight - for this it is enough to illuminate them with a combination of blue and red light, the ratio of which should change depending on the phase of plant growth.
LEDs have changed everything - with their advent it became possible to illuminate plants with light of only those wavelengths that are necessary for plant growth, and not waste electricity on radiation in the green and other ranges that are not so necessary for plants. Modern industry produces very powerful and economical LEDs that have different wavelengths of emitted light or different color temperatures. There are even special phytodiodes, the emission spectrum of which fully corresponds to the spectrum that is necessary for normal growth, flowering and fruiting of most plants. But the presence of a huge variety of LEDs makes it possible to go further - to create phytolamps both for certain phases of plant growth, and for growing various plants - herbs, vegetables, fruits and much more; for each type of plant you can make a phytolamp with a specific light spectrum profile that is optimally suited for a specific plant species. But the most important thing is that when using LED lamps for growing plants, significant savings in electricity are obtained, since it is not wasted on unnecessary light range, but is used only to obtain the light spectrum needed by plants.